Open No-Code Kit

Testing WordPress Themes and Plugins on a Temporary (Sandbox) Site

(Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with any of the mentioned companies/products. I'm just writing about my experience.)

When trying new themes or plugins it is difficult to decide which ones are the most suitable without trying them out first. After looking around a bit to see how to approach this problem I found two WP sandboxes that seemed perfect for what I needed: TasteWP and InstaWP. (In my previous post I talked about how to host a WordPress site on a free hosting site - in this case on InfinityFree).

In the end, I went with TasteWP for the following reasons:

  • It offers 2 days hosting without needing to login and 7 days with login which is more than enough to try out all the theme's or plugin's features.
  • The install is practically instantaneous (around 1 second) and it works flawlessly.
  • You can choose WP version as well as PHP version.
  • It comes with a preinstalled Backup Migration plugin along with Copy & Delete Posts, MyPopUps and Redirect Redirection (interesting name) that can be deactivated if necessary.

InstaWP also seemed interesting but it offers shorter hosting of only 8 hours, which can be extended to 48 hours with a free account. InstaWP seems more geared toward developers who need staging sites and their synching process appears to be very streamlined.

Another interesting option would be LocalWP that installs WP on the computer but for me it didn't seem necessary at this point.

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