Open No-Code Kit

Open Source Meets No-Code

This blog is mostly about my experience with tools (such as website builders) that are both open-source and no-code.

Before no-code solutions, (that allow people without coding skills to create software using graphical user interfaces in place of writing code) website and app development relied on programmers. Removing that barrier has opened the door to many more people, enabling them to build websites and apps without writing code.

Open-source software is software that is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. (Closed-source software, on the other hand, is proprietary software that is owned by a company and cannot be modified or distributed without permission.)

A brief history of no-code

The idea of no-code tools for web creation is not new. Historically, we can distinguish two large groups of no-code tools that are focused on website building and content management.

The first-generation no-code tools, created in the early 2000s, are principally CMSs such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal and are designed to create websites with a specific structure and layout. They offer a wide range of templates and themes that can be customized to meet specific needs and plugins/modules that fulfill the desired functions. These tools require some technical knowledge to be used effectively. Interestingly, most of these tools are also open-source.

The second generation of no-code tools, whose quick development starts in the 2010s, are SaaS such as website builders (Webflow, Framer, Ycode..) and web app builders (Bubble, Glide, Softr..). Newer no-code website builders are more focused on design and offer more flexibility in terms of layout and structure. They use drag-and-drop interfaces that allow users to create websites without any coding knowledge. Web app builders also include workflows making it possible to create tailor-made solutions for individuals and enterprises. Both groups offer integrations with external tools. They are often cloud-based and provide a wide range of features such as responsive design, e-commerce integration, and social media integration. The large majority of these tools are proprietary.

Open source no-code tools: Where things stand now

Unlike in the 2000s, there are surprisingly few new no-code tools that are also open-sourced. Regarding the types of tools, it’s noteworthy that currently database/internal tools builders largely outnumber website builders and design tools, probably because the development of the latter is more complicated. These tools allow you to create apps by linking databases and building cloud functions. They provide a way for developers to create custom data models and manage data without having to write any code. There are also several website builders and prototyping tools that are still in development. This year and the following ones are to see a large number of them available to the general public which makes this time especially exciting.

Why it all matters

At this point, we might wonder why should website designers and developers who use no-code tools care at all whether the tool they are using is open source or not. In short, it will depend on their specific needs and preferences. Here are some reasons to consider using open-source no-code tools:

Flexibility: Open-source no-code tools provide more flexibility than closed-source tools because they can be modified and customized to meet specific needs. This can be especially important for businesses that require unique features or functionality that are not available in closed-source tools.

Cost: Open-source no-code tools are often free or significantly less expensive than closed-source tools. This can be a major advantage for small businesses or individuals who are working on a tight budget.

Community: Open-source no-code tools often have a huge community of users (think WordPress) who contribute to the development and improvement of the software. This can provide valuable resources and support for users who are new to the tool or need help with a specific issue.

Transparency: Open-source no-code tools are transparent because the source code is freely available for anyone to inspect. This can provide peace of mind for users who are concerned about security or privacy issues.

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